As a thought experiment, I was working on the detection of number of people using Bluetooth visibility. Briefly, I was collecting data on my cellphone by counting the number of visible bluetooth devices while hanging out in some Cafes around Palo Alto. I was also counting the actual number of...
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Activity pattern- FitBit
Humans are transforming into data generating machines. Be it our system usage, the clicks, keystroke patterns, pressure that we apply while pressing touch screens, social media feeds, or exercising; loads of data is generated which can be used to both influence and optimize our behaviors. Scary as it sounds, one...
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Mining weather conditions
This post looks into the data of U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s storm database. Here, we look into the hazards causing the most property damage and fatalities. The results show that the most hazardous event for human life is Tornados followed by excessive heat and flash floods whereas floods...
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Blogging on data science
I’ve been quite regular about blogging and opining about life, experiences and travels. Luckily for me, and the people I know, these posts have been confined to the private sphere, only accessible with my account credentials. The thought of posting about my work has crossed my mind, but it was...
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